Eat and Move-o-Matic

 4.5 out of 5

Synopsis of the App
Developed by the Learning Games Lab at New Mexico State University to support the National 4-H Council's youth Choice program, this app lets users compare the calories they eat with the time it would take to burn them off through physical activity.

With a colorful and engaging design that looks and feels like a video game, Eat and Move-O-Matic offers "light bulb" ideas and tips for healthier alternatives to high-calorie foods such as pizza, burgers and fries. The app includes a range of physical activity options, from resting or doing homework to swimming and dancing.

Although it is well-established that body weight influences calorie burn, unfortunately, users are not able to customize the app by entering biometrics for a more accurate calorie estimate. The food examples are also somewhat limited; however, the selections listed are representative of the typical American diet.

Bottom Line
Eat and Move-O-Matic offers a simple, fun way for adults and kids to learn about the relationship between food and exercise.

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Marisa Moore
Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, is based in Atlanta and specializes in culinary nutrition, communications and consulting. She blogs at Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.