Sugar Cube

Platform and Price

Apple, free

RD Score

3 out of 5

Synopsis of the App

The Sugar Cube app provides a visual to help you see how much sugar is in your food based on the number of grams of sugar.


  • Visual aids translate grams of sugar to the equivalence in cubes, teaspoons or sugar packets.
  • Measures are fairly accurate per cube when checked for grams per cube or teaspoon.
  • Measures sugar grams from 0-100 grams.
  • A landscape orientation shows an animated view of sugar being poured into the respective volume in grams.


  • Difficult to adjust the sliding meter to achieve an accurate gram reading at times.
  • Crude graphics

Bottom Line

Next time you pick up a cola, this app will help you visualize how many teaspoons of sugar you’re drinking. It’s handy and makes a good visual aid for consumers, health professionals and educators alike.

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Marisa Moore
Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, is based in Atlanta and specializes in culinary nutrition, communications and consulting. She blogs at Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.